Two mobile phone articles for you, and both via “techdirt“.
How many people answer a phone each & every time it rings? Well, you don’t HAVE to answer it ya know! Seemingly there is a difference between how young people, who have grown up in the mobile age, operate phones and adults who still remember the pre-mobile age.
And in China a man was hit by lightning on the Great Wall and authorities, not for the first time, say using a mobile phone makes you a target for lightning!! Hmm …
You Don’t Have To Answer Your Mobile Phone
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As I use my mobile mostly for work, I send calls to voicemail in the following situations:
-If I’m dealing with someone else at the time
-If the number is withheld
-If I don’t recognise the number
-Outside working hours
-If I can’t be arsed
Voicemail is a godsend
Item 5 (can’t be arsed) gets used here a lot