Microsoft i nGaeilge: Office 2003 ar fáil anois

Following letter is from Fidelma Ní Ghallchobhair, Foras na Gaeilge, announcing the release of the Irish language pack for MS Office 2003.

A chairde,

Daoibh siúd a bhfuil Office 2003 ar bhur ríomhairí cheana féin tá an leagan Gaeilge ar fáil (le híoslódáil saor in aisce) anois ag an nasc seo:

Pacáiste Comhéadain Office 2003 Gaeilge (Éire)

(Mura bhfuil Office 2003 ar an ríomhaire cheana is baolach go gcaithfear é a cheannach chun go n-oibreoidh an leagan Gaeilge.)

Is gá, áfach, go mbeidh an leagan Gaeilge de Windows XP suiteáilte agaibh cheana féin chun go n-oibreoidh sé seo ach deirtear liom gur féidir fáil réidh leis an leagan Gaeilge de Windows ansin, má roghnaítear é sin a dhéanamh, agus an leagan Gaeilge de Office a choinneáil, agus gur féidir babhtáil idir an leagan Gaeilge agus an leagan Béarla (rud nach féidir a dhéanamh le Windows).

Is in Office a gheofar Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook etc. Tabharfar faoi deara go bhfuil rudaí áirithe fágtha sa Bhéarla ach ní hiad na haistritheoirí is cúis leis seo, mar bhí míreanna áirithe faoi ghlas agus dúradh nach bhféadfaí iad a aistriú. Dúradh linn gur 85% den chomhéadan úsáideora a bhí le haistriú.

Tá sonraí breise ar fáil sa cheangaltán (nach bhfuil aistrithe go fóill). Beidh an táirge á fhógairt don saol mór Dé Máirt seo chugainn. Bíodh is go ndearnadh tréaniarracht an t-ábhar a aistriú go cruinn tharlódh go bhfuil roinnt lúbanna ar lár thall is abhus agus tá súil againn nithe mar sin a leasú sa chéad eagrán eile. Cuirfear fáilte roimh aiseolas ag an seoladh

Le dea-mhéin,

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  1. You’re dead right, I should have mentioned that too:

    June press release
    XP language pack

  2. And then there is OpenOffice:

    Is the Irish support any good?

  3. You mean some sort of official support for the translation? Fuck all.
    Most of Open Office, for example, has been translated by 1 man, who thankfully now has a few more lads on board to help. I think they are about 80% done, and in fact today I got a mail that the first builds in Irish have been released.
    The same guy has also worked (with a larger team of volunteers) on Firefox & Thunderbird, no support of any kind there.
    KDE/Linux was also done by a small number of volunteers.
    The MS on the other hand was a different story. *I think* professional translators worked on that and it does seem to have had official support.

  4. >You mean some sort of official support for the translation?

    I meant how good is it? Does the Irish version include support for all the OpenOffice features, and does it include full Irish language support?

  5. Doh!

    I don’t know but I assume it’s a complete localization and should cover all features. It should also have full lang support.

  6. Here’s a screen shot of OO as Gaeilge!

    screen shot

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