Migrating birds

I saw the most amazing migration of birds the other evening. Ok, birds tend to migrate whenever i’m in the pub, usually to the opposite corners, but i’m referring to our feathered friends here.
We were just going shopping and as we parked our car we saw hundreds of cranes flying overhead [where else can they fly? - Ed]. I’d never seen anything like this before, there were 5 or 6 flocks ranging from around 50 birds up to 200 or more, each flock in the acute V formation, it was an amazing sight. The only migrations i’ve ever seen in Ireland were the odd wee flock of swallows or kiwi. It’s such a pity I didn’t have a decent camera with me. I only had my phone and the camera on that is a piece of shite. Anyway these are the best two photos I managed to get of one of the flocks: flock 1, flock 2 [use your imagination, you may need to squint your eyes a bit].
They’ve good timing these birds. The weather has gotten noticeably colder in the past couple of days. Winter is coming. I hate winter.
wee update: it’s actually been in the papers that this was the biggest fly-over of cranes in the region for about 20yrs. Approx 2000 cranes flew over the city and about 7000 over the region (päijät-häme).

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  1. I think they knew you were watching Maca. The first picture looks a bit lewd. :)

  2. I never noticed that UI, you’ve a dirty mind ;)

  3. Wonderful shot! Two thousands cranes in the sky and you were there, how lucky ;-)
    Anyway, I hate winter too, I don’t how you can stand a Finnish winter!

  4. It was a lucky shot Antonio, the camera phone is really poor quality so I’m surprised anything came out in the picture.

    Finnish winter is tough, very cold and uncomfortable, and loooong!