Wonder if it bites me will I get super powers?

This is by far the biggest spider I have ever caught or even seen in Ireland, excluding exotic spiders of course.

I spotted this on the lampshade last week and it scared the sh1t out of me … which was actually good timing because I was sitting on the jacks at the time. I don’t think i’m arachnophobic but spiders this big give me the willies.
I’ve another couple of pics on flickr for the curious.

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  1. Check this post of mine
    Anyway I think your spider is scarier than mine!!!

  2. Anyway, what did you do with it?

  3. I set it free although I was tempted to torture it first. :)

  4. Shit, your spider is huge! and disgusting!

  5. If you read my post you know that I didn’t touch it despite my arachnophobia, but someone else did it. I found it dead few hours later.

  6. Yeah I read that. I guess someone else doesn’t like spiders :)