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01/26/2004: "Windows in Welsh"
First news I received this Monday mornin' is that Windows XP will be localized for Welsh..how about that boy?
Further reading though tells us that it will only be about 80% of a translation, and it looks like it will only be XP Pro...typical MS, still better than a kick in the nuts.
For techies..it's the LIP MS will use for Welsh not the MUI.
"There are two ways of localising Windows - the Multilingual User Interface (MUI), and the Language Interface Pack (LIP). The MUI provides a full translation of Windows in 24 languages, but the WLB announcement says that the Welsh version of Windows will use the LIP. This means that only about 80% of the interface will be translated, with large swathes missing (eg the help centre, admin tools, system error messages, event logs, Messenger, and so on). So this will really be a veneer rather than a translation which will include every part of the operating system."