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07/15/2004: "Tiz e-fecked!"
Ever have those problems where your browser just hangs for 5 minutes when reloading a page? I constantly have that problem with IE in work (cos it's a shite browser) and at home with Firefox (cos i've a shite connection). So anys-how I came up with a good word to describe it; "e-fecked". Now I have to check has someone else already coined the term and if not maybe I could patent it and make millions!!!
PS, now i'm claiming a trade mark for the word e-feckedTM. So there!
Replies: 4 tráchtaí
Have U tried tweaking Firefox? Pipelining should help.
Mick, Dé Sathairn (Sat), Iúil (Jul) 17th,
Hey e-fecked is available!
Mick, Dé Sathairn (Sat), Iúil (Jul) 17th,
$ whois e-feckedmore
No match found for e-fecked.
# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2004-07-16 19:10
# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.
Maybe I'll buy it, and sell it to some lad in Finland for a bundle.
Mick, Dé Sathairn (Sat), Iúil (Jul) 17th,
Thanks for the Firefox link, just what I needed actually as I was checking out the config file a couple of days ago but too unsure of it to make any changes.
"Maybe I'll buy it, and sell it to some lad in Finland for a bundle"
Oh, if only I had a bundle...
Maca, Dé Sathairn (Sat), Iúil (Jul) 17th,