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I got a new mobile yesterday! Got the Nokia 7600, weird looking phone but kinda cool in a weird sort of way :-\\
Has a digi camera, plays MP3's, records video etc etc etc
Costs about €700, I think, i'm not actually sure to be honest cos I got it for free. I worked on the project for quite a while so I got it as sort of a thank-you!
It's always better when it's free of course! wink more..
maca @ 02:05.

Turning Bitter
Here's a good example of a political arguement which only sows the seeds of bitterness.
Sometimes I wonder what the hell is the point of nationalists and unionists (I use the terms broadly) getting together to discuss Northern politics.
Well discussion is one thing, but the abject hatred displayed by some posters in the above site is crazy, all it does is foster hatred.

For some people who visit that site in a spirit of openness and with a willingness to engage in good dicussion, with a desire to learn and understand the difficulties facing us all, they only end up walking away feeling bitter and even hatred towards some peoples.

You'd wonder how can anyone have optimism for the future when we can't even hold a discussion without resorting to insults.
It's depressing really.
maca @ 12:51.

I'm about to release an Irish localization file for HTML-Kit. I have been working on it/using it for about a year. I haven't put much effort into it mind but think I will release a Beta version soon anyway.
Check the Kit website soon if you are interested.

Speaking of Localizations...the work on Mozilla Firefox is kicking off again. Hopefully before too long we'll have a translated verison of that wonderful browser soon! more..
maca @ 12:44.

Christ..has it been a week since I made a posting?? Feckin hell, shur time flies nuair a bhíonn tú pretty busy. This bloggin thing really is a lark, it can be hard to keep ip up at times, especially when there's nothing new to report! more..
maca @ 12:38.

Intercultural ireland - An Garda
Found this document from the Guards about the various communtities in Ireland PDF: InterCultural Ireland - Your Changing Community
It's interesting, check it out:
www.garda.ie/angarda/pub/interculturalgardadoc.pdf more..
maca @ 02:59.

Subs Required
Ya know what drives me nuts...the amount of websites like Irelandclick.com which required registration! Yeah, I know why sites do this but surely site owners realise that people are bound to get sick of registering with every bloody site on the web. And that forcing ppl to register can force ppl away from their site.

I must have registered with 100+ sites over the years..and now I do so in only the very very rarest cases, so sites like the above posted one, lose out because when I am told to register to view the content I simply leave the site, never to return.
So what do they gain?
maca @ 02:33.

A lesson in posting
I found this "FAQ" in a Tek-Tips thread. TT is where I spend much of my online time by the way, apart from arguing on Slugger that is.
Anyway, this is a lesson in how to post in internet forums. I can't link to the actual thread cos it's in a restricted area but the original posting follows... more..
maca @ 10:36.

A wee joke for ya...
Secrets to a Happy Marriage

It is important to find a woman that cooks and cleans.
It is important to find a woman that makes good money.
It is important to find a woman that likes to have s*x.

and MOST important....
It is important that these three women never meet! more..
maca @ 11:41.

Firebird >> Firefox
For those of you who may not follow up to the date news, the excellent Mozilla browser Firebird has now become Firefox.
Why the change...Brand Name FAQ
maca @ 11:38.

Dul go dtí an Deutschland
Rachaidh mé go dtí an Ghearmáinis ar an Domhnach seo chugainn...arís.
Bhí mé an seachtain seo caite ansin freisin. Tá sé 'stressful' nuair a bítear ag teastail chun obair a dhéanamh.
Ach is baile go hiontach an 'Nuremberg'. Is ea Nuremberg an áit a bhi an "Nazi trials"
Tá sean balla mhór timpeall an baile, le neart túir ard. Is deas é. Stadadh mé ansin ar feadh trí lá agus tiocfaidh mé ar ais ar an Ceardaoin.

Gaeilge bríste is fearr nó...... blush more..
maca @ 01:46.

Ballyhoo Examiner
A friend sent on this link to The Ballyhoo Examiner, it's a good aul read, definitly work a look.
Check out the Suckin' Diesel pages. razz
maca @ 09:27.

Quality Politics - An Alternative Look at NI Political Parties
I was browsing the Alliance Party website earlier and I felt I had to comment on the quality of the designs. So many Irish websites are sub-standard (in my humble opinion) but some (not all) of these party websites are worth checking out.
So i'll do a little critique if ye don't mind...

Update: after doing the critique i'll change "but some of these" to "and few of these" more..
maca @ 02:47.

Second language translates into double financial trouble
An article in the Irish independant today complains that the cost for local councils of translating into Irish, under the provisions of the Official Languages Act, is too much to bear.

Aren't they some feckers all the same? What chance does the Irish language have with people like that whinging about it. Sacrifices must unfortunatly be made if there is to be any hope of strengthening the language. What chance does it have if even more people give up on it?
We can no longer blame the Brits for the state of the language, it's future is in our hands.
Filthy animals! They'd have money to spare if they weren't lining their own pockets.
maca @ 05:03.

IE7 2005?
You have got to be fuckin kidding me?
According to kuro5hin* we'll have to wait until MS Longhorn comes out to get IE7!?! Fuck dem anyway.
It's not that I am exactly looking forward to IE7 it's just that it means until then we have to suffer with the vast majourity of web users using IE6.

Why is that a problem you ask? Because IE6 is shite! It is currently the worst of the latest version browsers i.e. with regard to standards compliency. It is a legacy of a bitter browser war that made life almost unbearable for website designers. We had to wait years for NS4 to die out (more or less there) and now we'll have to wait years for IE6 to die out, all the while real browsers like Firebird are streaking ahead.

According to my stats IE have about 84% of the internet user market..depressing. more..
maca @ 12:34.

Open Croke Park to forrin sports?
Prompted by a posting on Slugger about the new Lansdowne Road will be capable of hosting GAA games I did a bit of searching on that old issue of soccer in Croke Park and the much argued Rule 42. This
article is interesting and explains a few of the issues. more..
maca @ 01:26.