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Windows XP SP2 Tweaks
Nice article explaining a bit more about Win XP SP2 and some of the tweaks you might want to make after installation. more..
maca @ 02:08.

Good page on About.com: Bushisms - Adventures in George W. Bushspeak. Worth a look. more..
maca @ 01:43.

"Scream" Stolen
I'll tell ya, ya gotta hand it to the robbers, bold as brass these fellas, takes some balls to just walk in and out with two paintings. more..
maca @ 12:42.

SP2 Program Compatability Issues
To follow up the posting below here is a support document from M$ which lists the programs which will likely have problems running after installing XP SP2. more..
maca @ 12:54.

Dreading XP SP2
I should have moved to Linux when I had the chance but decided not to because my favourite programs have yet to release Linux versions. Although, now that Windows XP SP2 is coming online with a warning that many programs including Web servers, remote desktops, file-sharing applications, FTP clients, multimedia streaming software, e-mail notifications, systems management applications and games are unlikely to work without some manual modification, maybe I should have sacrificed my favourite programs and found Linux compatible replacements! more..
maca @ 12:49.

File sharing & the music industry battle
Interesting article here by Bill Thompson on the always ongoing battle with the music industry over file sharing and copyrighting etc.
They tend to pass some strange over the top laws in the US (just look at some of the copyrights passed) and worringly Europes copyright laws are pretty much based on US law. more..
maca @ 11:57.

"Opportunities" in Singapore
Singapore aims to lift birth rate ... look no further guys, i'm available and cheap! more..
maca @ 11:46.

I've been using StumbleUpon since July and have to say it's worth checking out. Basically you "channel-surf" the web, by clicking the "Stumble" button on a browser toolbar you are given a random site recommended by other stumblers.
It's a handy tool if you enjoy web surfin'. more..
maca @ 12:26.