Game Play
At game start the referee throws the sliotar into the center of the field where the four midfield players try to get the ball first (similar to a face-off in ice hockey). The aim of the players is then to score on their opponents by carring or passing the sliotar down field and striking at the goal area.
Carrying the ball
The ball is usually carried balanced on the hurley when running and can also be bounced on the hurley. This is called soloing. It can be taken into the hand but can only be carried in the players hand for a maximum of 4 consecutive steps, then the player must release the ball by shooting or pasing the ball. The player can take the ball from the hurley into his/her hand only twice. Or if the player had previously caught the ball he/she can only take it into his/her hand only once.
Passing the ball
The ball can be passed by hitting with the hurley, striking the ball with the hand or by kicking the ball.
Getting the ball
The ball can be caught from the air or lifted from the ground. It cannot be taken from the ground using the hand but must be lifted using the hurley stick. There are two main ways of
lifting the ball off the ground with the hurley, scooping the ball by sliding the hurley under the ball and
lifting it or secondly by rolling the ball onto the stick and then lifting it.
Players may tackle each other to get the ball. Usually this will involve a shoulder charge on the player in possession of the ball or if you are competing against another player chasing a ball. Quite often tackles can be vigorous as hurling is a very physical game. However challenges deemed as dangerous will be punished.
A goal is scored when the sliotar is played over the goal line, between and posts and under the crossbar. A goal is worth 3 points and is signalled by an umpire raising a green flag.
A point is scored when when the sliotar is played over the goal line, between the posts but OVER the crossbar and is signalled by an umpire raising a white flag.
The sliotar cannot be carried over the goal line but must be hit with the hurley stick or struck with the hand or kicked with the foot.
Obviously the team with the most points overall (goals and points together) is the winning side. For example a team who scores 4-3 (4 goals + 3 points = 15 points) will win over
a team who scores 1-11 (14 points).